Friday Favorites, Issue #2
This week’s Friday Favorites center on empowerment. Here we will share our TED Talk of the week, favorite quote, an Instagram account for inspiration, tech tip, and of course, our weekend recommendation for Long Islanders.

TED Talk We Love
Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are, Amy Cuddy
This is an oldie-but-goodie and really works if the week has you feeling like you need a confidence boost. It’s one of our absolute favorite TED Talks
Quote to Encourage
“Say yes and you’ll figure it out afterwards.”
This week’s words of wisdom come from the wonderfully funny and brilliant, Tina Fey. You got this!

An Instagram that Rocks
@levoleague is an awesome account that not only slays the Instagram scene but offers beautiful inspiration to make you feel as if you can take on anything the work week throws at you.

Tech Tip to Boost Confidence
Have you tried using Google Translate to proofread? Have to write an important blog, email, company letter, etc? Copy and paste your draft into Google Translate and have it read your text out loud to you. The ear is sometimes better suited than the eye when it comes to proofreading. This will help you nail anything you need to write.

Long Island Weekend Suggestion
United Ink Flight 816 New York Tattoo and Arts Festival at the Cradle of Aviation Museum in Garden City (Friday 8/26 – Sunday 8/28)
Busy entrepreneurs love the weekends and sometimes after a long week, we forget to pay attention to all of the amazing events happening in our own backyard. So, Long Island art lovers rejoice, this weekend is for you! You can even get a tattoo (now that’s empowering).

And hey if you do happen to tattoo our logo on your body this weekend, please share the photos with us on Facebook! We are Infinite Media Corp and we will see you next week with some more favorites.